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  1. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Unlucky for Pringle. Unpublished and other Stories … Edited and introduced by C. J. Fox and Robert Chapman.

    [London,] Vision, [1973].

    First edition, inscribed by the editor ‘To Geoffrey and Joyce Bridson with warmest good wishes Cy Fox’. Seven of the fifteen stories were first published here. Fox’s postcard thanks Bridson for a letter ‘which was terrifically gratifying – especially from one who did so much to get the...


  2. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Men without Art …

    London, Cassell & Company Limited, [1934].

    First edition; Lewis takes on and demolishes Hemingway, Faulkner, and Woolf. Bridson reviewed the book in The Criterion in January 1935, pp. 335-337.


  3. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    A Soldier of Humour and selected Writings. Edited with an introduction by Raymond Rosenthal.

    New York & Toronto, A Signet Classic, 1966.

    First edition, inscribed by the editor: ‘Geoffrey I thought you would be interested in this new anthology’.


  4. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    Mrs Dukes’ Million.

    Toronto, The Coach House Press, 1977.

    First edition, Lewis’s first novel, written in 1908-10 but never before published.


  5. MEYERS, Jeffrey, editor.

    Wyndham Lewis, A Revaluation. New essays.

    London, The Athlone Press, [1980].

    First edition, printing on pp. 238-251 Bridson’s essay ‘The Human Age in Retrospect’, his last published work.


  6. MACNEICE, Louis.

    Christopher Columbus, a radio play …

    [London,] Faber & Faber, [1944].

    First edition of MacNiece’s early radio play, first broadcast on 12 October 1942 to mark the 450th anniversary of the ‘discovery’ of America, with the role of Columbus played by Laurence Olivier.


  7. LEWIS, Wyndham.

    An Anthology of his Prose. Edited with an introduction by E.W.F. Tomlin.

    London, Methuen & Co Ltd., [1969].

    First edition. ‘The Sea-Mists of Winter’, Lewis’s famous article on the approach of blindness, appears in this Anthology for the first time in book form – the original article from The Listener is also laid in. Bridson has noted in pencil where the book text differs (with several...


  8. BURROUGHS, William.

    The Naked Lunch.

    Paris, Olympia Press, [1960].

    First edition, second printing – the first had a decorative border on the title-page, was priced 1500 francs on the rear cover, and was issued with a dust-jacket (not the earliest copies). After the franc was devalued on 1 January 1960, copies were over-stamped with a new price; and shortly after there...


  9. MACDIARMID, Hugh.

    Stony Limits and Scots Unbound and other Poems ...

    Edinburgh, Castle Wynd Printers, [1956].

    First edition thus, including some poems that were excluded from the original edition of Stony Limits (1932) over libel fears, and the title-poem only of Scots Unbound (1934), correcting the printers’ errors from the first edition. Bridson had reviewed the first edition of Stony Limits...


  10. MACDIARMID, Hugh.

    Three Hymns to Lenin …

    Edinburgh, Castle Wynd Printers, [1957].

    First collected edition, inscribed ‘With love and best wishes to my friend Geoffrey Bridson from Hugh MacDiarmid 17/3/63’. The poems published here had originally appeared separately between 1930 and 1955.


  11. [MACDIARMID, Hugh.]

    WESTON, John C. MacDiarmid’s A Drunk Man looks at the Thistle.

    Preston, Akros Publications, 1970.

    First edition, inscribed ‘To Joyce and Geoffrey Bridson with warmest regards from Valda and Hugh MacDiarmid’.


  12. MACDIARMID, Hugh.

    A Lap of Honour.

    [London,] MacGibbon & Kee, [1967].

    First edition, published to coincide with MacDiarmid’s seventy-fifth birthday.


  13. MACDIARMID, Hugh.

    Burns Today and Tomorrow …

    Edinburgh, Castle Wynd Printers, [1959].

    First edition, inscribed ‘To Geoffrey Bridson, With best wishes from Hugh MacDiarmid’.


  14. LEWIS, Wyndham.


    London, The Egoist Ltd., 1918.

    First English edition, published in an edition of 1000 (of which 87 distributed gratis). T. S. Eliot thought the book ‘remarkable’. Set in pre-war Paris, Tarr pits its eponymous English artist (‘a caricatural self-portrait of sorts’) against Kreisler, a self-destructive German...


  15. POUND Omar S. and Philip GROVER.

    Wyndham Lewis a Descriptive Bibliography … With a Checklist of B.B.C. Broadcasts compiled...

    Folkestone, Dawson / Archon Books, [1978].

    First edition. Bridson’s checklist appears on pp. 163-75.


  16. POUND, Ezra, and D.G. BRIDSON.

    ‘An Interview with Ezra Pound’ in New Directions 17. Norfolk, Conn.,

    New Directions, [1961].

    First edition, printing the majority of the interviews recorded in 1956 and broadcast in 1959. Other contributors to this issue included Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Williams.


  17. [MACDIARMID, Hugh.]

    WESTON, John C. Hugh MacDiarmid’s A Drunk Man looks at the Thistle.

    Preston, Akros Publications, 1970.

    First edition, inscribed ‘To Joyce and Geoffrey Bridson with love from Hugh MacDiarmid 15/12/70’.


  18. MACDIARMID, Hugh.

    Poems to Paintings by William Johnstone 1933 …

    Edinburgh, K.D. Duval, [1963].

    First edition.


  19. POUND, Ezra.

    The Literary Essays … Edited with an Introduction by T. S.

    Eliot. London, Faber & Faber, [1954].

    First edition, first impression.
