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  1. [TORGA, Miguel, pseud.] ROCHA, Adolpho Correia da.

    Abismo. Poemas.

    [Coimbra, “Atlantida”, 1932.]

    First (and only) edition of one of the very rare early collections of poetry of Miguel Torga, published under his own name while he was still a medical student in Coimbra.


  2. ALEIXANDRE, Vicente.

    Historia del Corazón.

    Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1954.

    First edition of this important work by the Nobel prize-winning poet Vicente Aleixandre (1898–1984).


  3. CIRIA Y ESCALANTE, José de.


    Madrid, Artes de la illustración, 1924.

    First edition, no. 172 of 200 copies, a collection of thirteen poems brought posthumously to press by Ciria’s friends.


  4. GUERRERO, Lila.

    Mis devociones.

    Buenos Aires, Ediciones Aconcagua, 1965.

    First and only edition of this collection of thirty-two poems, inscribed on the half-title ‘para Elsa y Luís Aragón mi olvidado corazon a la intemperie, recordandolos con cariño fervoroso / Lila’.


  5. AZORÍN, pseud. [José MARTINEZ RUIZ].


    Madrid, Revista de Archivos, 1912.

    First edition, an important collection of essays attempting tocapture ‘una partícula del espiritú de Castilla’, by one of the leading members of the Generación del 1898. Subjects include railways, bulls, clouds …


  6. GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel.

    ‘El Olor de la Guayaba.’ Conversaciones con Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza.

    Bogotá, La Oveja Negra, 1982.

    First edition, published simultaneously in Colombia, Spain and Mexico. A series of interviews with García Márquez in which he discusses his family, his friends, his enemies, his work, his views on politics, etc.


  7. STRINDBERG, Johan August.


    Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Förlag, [1909].

    First separate edition of a collection of poems which was first published in the collection Fagervik och Skamsund in 1902.


  8. REYES, Alfonso.

    Los Siete sobre Deva. Sueño de una tarde de Agosto.

    Mexico City, [Ediciones Tezontle, 1942].

    First edition of this prose work by Alfonso Reyes (in Borges’s opinion, ‘the best prose-writer in the Spanish language of any period’), written 1923-29. Inscribed by Reyes on front endpaper to fellow poet and writer Pedro Salinas (1891-1951): ‘“En busca de Pedro Salinas”, y siempre a su lado,...


  9. MESHCHERSKII, Elim Petrovich.

    Les boréales par B. de G. et le prince Elim Mestscherski …

    Paris, Bellizard, Dufour et Cie, 1839.

    First edition of a rare French anthology of Russian poets, including early translations of six poems by Pushkin.


  10. BRULL, Mariano.

    Solo de Rosa. Poemas. Con dos rosas de Mariano y Portocarrero.

    [Havana, Cuba], ‘La Veronica’, 1941.

    First edition, no. 186 of 300 copies, inscribed to Brull’s French translator Mathilde Pomès in Ottawa, 1946.


  11. GÜIRALDES, Ricardo.

    Raucho. Momentos de una junventud contemporánea.

    Buenos Aires, Imprenta de Jose Tragant … 1917.

    First edition, scarce, Güiraldes’s first novel, a tale of gaucho life inspired by his experiences as a boy on the family ranch; inscribed ‘Para Mlle Matilda Pomès / Ricardo Güiraldes’.


  12. PUSHKIN, Aleksandr Sergeevich. Manuel ALTOLAGUIRRE and Ovady SAVICH, translators.

    Teatro (El Convidado de piedra....

    Barcelona, Editado por la Asociación de Relaciones con la U.R.S.S. en el primer centenario del poeta, 1938.

    First edition of Altolaguirre’s translation of two of Pushkin’s Little Tragedies, ‘The Stone Guest’ and ‘A Feast During the Plague’ produced for the Russian poet’s centenary; apparently printed on Altolaguirre’s own press.


  13. BIEBL, Konstantin.

    Zloděj z Bagdadu [The thief of Baghdad].

    Prague, Hyperion, 1925.

    First edition, a collection of fourteen poems.


  14. NEZVAL, Vítězslav.

    Veliký Orloj [The Great Clock].

    Prague, Fr. Borový, 1949.

    First edition, a lengthy collection of poems inscribed by Nezval to his sisters and dated 11/4/1949.


  15. BULGAKOV, Mikhail Afanasievich.

    Sbornik rasskazov [Collection of Stories.]

    New York, Chekhov Publishing House, 1952.

    First edition in book form of a collection of four short stories: Rokovye iaitsa (‘The fatal eggs’), D’iavoliada (‘Diaboliad’), Dom no. 13 (‘House No. 13’), and Pokhozhdeniia Chichikova (‘The Adventures of Chichikov’).


  16. [PIRANDELLO, Luigi.]

    LO VECCHIO MUSTI, Manlio. Bibliografia di Pirandello.

    Verona, Mondadori, 1937.

    First edition of this authoritative bibliography of Pirandello, published just a year after his death. It includes a long introductory essay by Massimo Bontempelli.


  17. SHARPHAM, Edward. 

    Cupids whirligig.  As it hath bene Sundrie times acted, by the Children of his Majesties Revels. 

    London, Tho: Creede, and Ber: Alsop, and are to be solde by Arthur Johnson, 1616. 

    Third edition of an early Jacobean comedy based upon a tale in Boccaccio’s Decameron, with a contemporary London setting.


  18. [ATLAS.] 

    School Atlas; or, Key to Goldsmith’s geographical Copy-Books … 

    London, Richard Phillips, [1810–11]. 

    First edition(?), very rare.  The maps include world maps in globe and on Mercator’s projection (in which Australia features as New Holland), Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, West Indies, ‘Hindoostan’, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire,...


  19. [RALPH, James.]

    The Case of Authors by Profession or Trade, stated: with regard to Booksellers, the Stage, and the Public. No matter...

    London, R. Griffiths, 1758.

    First edition, ‘the first protest raised in the eighteenth century against the treatment of authors and dramatists by booksellers and theatre managers’ (ODNB).


  20. TOLSTOY, Aleksei Nikolaevich.


    St Petersburg, [S.M. Muller,] 1907.

    First edition, very rare: ‘the first published work of the official novelist of the Soviet Union’ (Kilgour).
