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Roxana tragaedia olim Cantabrigiae, acta in Col. Trin. Nunc primum in lucem edita.
London, R. Badger for Andrew Crook, 1632.
The pirated first edition (the first authorized text followed later in the same year) of a neo-Latin verse drama in the manner of Seneca, by one of the foremost Latinists of his day.
[LONGANO, Francesco].
Logica, o sia arte del ben pensare.
Naples, Raimondi, 1773.
First edition, very rare (one other copy only traced, in Italy), of this early work on logic by the important Italian enlightenment philosopher Francesco Longano (1728–1796).
Vrai systême du monde physique et moral.
[Switzerland,] 1797.
Only edition, rare, of this utopia, the identity of whose author, and even of whose printer, remains unknown.
HIEROCLES of Alexandria.
Ύπομνηνα εις τα των Πυθαγορειων επη τα χρυσα … commentarius in...
London, J. R. [John Redmayne] for J. Williams, and Henry Dickinson, Cambridge, 1673.
London edition of the only complete work of Hierocles, his commentaries on the Golden Verses, a valuable epitome of Pythagorean ethical teachings, printed here in the original and in a Latin translation. According to tradition they were put into their present form by Lysis, one of the most...
[BIBLE, New Testament.]
Pauli Apostoli epistolae … Epistolae Catholicae … Apocalypsis Beati Ioannis.
Brescia, Damiano and Giacomo Filippo Turlino, May 1537.
Scarce Brescia edition of the Epistles of St Paul, St James, St Peter, St John, and St Jude, and of the Book of Revelation, in the Vulgate version, with a remarkable metalcut depicting St Peter and St Paul holding a Holy Shroud bearing the face of Christ, owned by an Italian Protestant-sympathiser.
Petri Bizzari varia opuscula, quorum indicem sequens pagina demonstrabit.
Venice, [Paolo Manuzio], 1565.
BUXTORF, Johannes.
Epitome grammaticae Hebraeae, breviter & methodice ad publicum Scholarum usum proposita. Adjecta succincta de...
London, Roger Daniel, 1653.
Second edition (first Cambridge, 1646) of Buxtorf’s Hebrew grammar to be printed in England, here preserving a fragment of a sixteenth-century English-French grammar as endpapers and with a student’s manuscript Hebrew transliterations.
ADDISON, Joseph, [and Giulio RUCELLAI, translator].
Il Tamburo parafrasi in versi sciolti della commedia tradotta...
Florence, Andrea Bonducci, 1750.
First edition in Italian of Joseph Addison’s 1715 The Drummer; or, the Haunted House, translated from Destouches’s French prose translation of 1737 into Italian hendecasyllabic blank verse.
MACDIARMID, Hugh [i.e. Christopher GRIEVE], and Valda TREVLYN GRIEVE.
Three Christmas cards, signed from Christopher...
Three Christmas cards to Douglas Geoffrey Bridson, BBC radio producer and long-time friend of MacDiarmid, and his wife Joyce. The two cards signed from both Christopher and Valda (but in her hand) carry generic messages, the third evidently sent after Christopher’s death, laments ‘I don’t...
GISSING, George.
The Unclassed, A Novel … in three Volumes.
London, Chapman and Hall, 1884.
First edition of Gissing’s second novel – and Bernard Shaw’s favourite of his novels – in the single-volume remaindered issue in red cloth.
DICKENS, Charles.
The Personal History of David Copperfield … With Illustrations by H. K. Browne.
London, Bradbury & Evans, 1850.
First edition, an early issue, with both title-pages dated 1850, the corrected reading ‘screwed’ on p. 132, but otherwise first issue points as listed by Eckel and Smith.
Angel Pavement …
London, William Heinemann Ltd, 1930.
First edition, the deluxe issue, no. 308 of 1025 copies signed by the author.
RUYRA, Joaquim and Carles FONTSERÈ, illustrator.
La fi del món a Girona.
Paris, [Gaston Hallépée], [31 July] 1946.
First separate edition, one of fifteen numbered copies on Rives paper with a suite of twelve illustrations signed by the artist, of this Catalan short story describing a child’s apocalyptic nightmare, set against the backdrop of the author’s hometown of Girona, brought to press by Catalan exiles...
Correctorium alchymiae ... Das is reformierte Alchimy, oder Alchimeibesserung, und Straffung der Alchimistischen...
Strasbourg, Bernard Jobin, 1581.
First edition of ‘a very rare collection’ (Duveen) of five alchemical treatises, comprising Richardus Anglicus’ Correctorium and Reformierte Alchimei, Lull’s Apertorium et accuratio vegetabilium and Vom philosophischen Stein, and Geber’s Secretum.
TASSO, Torquato.
Il rogo di Corinna, et la fenice ...
Venice, Evangelista Deuch[ino], 1621. [with:] [—.] Il Rinaldo ... Di nuovo riveduto, & con diligenza corretto ... Venice, Evangelista Deuchino,...
A strikingly bound copy of Deuchino’s editions of four pastoral plays and epic poems by Tasso.
NICHOLSON, Joseph Shield.
Tenant’s Gain not Landlord’s Loss, and some other economic Aspects of the Land Question.
Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1883.
First edition. ‘The vitality of popular fallacies is remarkable, and the old mercantile notion of trade that one man’s gain is necessarily another man’s loss still prevails as regards compensation for agricultural improvements. The exposure of this and other fallacies is one of the aims...
TENNYSON, Alfred, [later Lord]; A. L. BOND, illustrator.
The Miller’s Daughter …
London, Published by W. Kent & Co late David Bogue … [1858].
A handsome edition of The Miller’s Daughter, attractively illustrated by Anne Lydia Bond (1822–1881).
‘Récueil de differentes pieces de vers, et chansons. A l’usage de Madame la Comtesse de Lichtervelde née Comtesse...
[Belgium, 1777 and later].
An interesting commonplace of verses, songs, madrigals, epigrams, carols, and fables, many of which are apparently unpublished, compiled for the use of Albertine de Cassina (1749–1816), Comtesse de Wonsheim, who married Charles de Lichtervelde (1741–1803) in 1769.
GIONO, Jean.
Paris, Bernard Grasset, Les Cahiers Verts, 1929.
First edition of Giono’s first book, one of 170 numbered copies on vélin pur fil; it forms the first part of his successful ‘Pan trilogy’ with Un de Baumugnes (1929) and Regain (1930).
Topologie d’une cité fantôme.
Paris, Éditions de Minuit, 1976.
First edition: a kind of intellectual detective story in which the reader becomes a collaborator in the solution of a crime as much his own creation as it is the author’s.