Contact Donovan Rees
Fine photographs and photobooks with an emphasis on the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We stock images by recognised masters such as Hill & Adamson, Roger Fenton or Julia Margaret Cameron as well as more eclectic examples illustrating the range of formats and processes used in the early years of the medium. This might include fine daguerreotypes, complete photograph albums, carbon or platinum prints by known or amateur photographers.
We are also interested in the work of early travel photographers, particularly those in the Middle and Far East. From later periods we hold work by British photographers specialising in fine art and documentary photography including Alvin Langdon Coburn, J. Dudley Johnston, Bill Brandt and Raymond Moore.
ANNAN, Thomas.
Memorials of the Old College of Glasgow.
Glasgow, T. Annan Photographer; J. Maclehose,...
A very good copy illustrated with albumen...
History of Photography in China: Chinese...
London, Quaritch, 2013.
This book is the first extensive survey...
History of Photography in China.
London, Quaritch, 2009-2013.
First editions of the three-volume set...
BISSON, Louis-Auguste.
Paris, c. 1844.
An extraordinary equine portrait, testimony...
[DAGUERRE.] MAYER & PIERSON [after Charles Richard MEADE.]
Carte-de-visite albumen print portrait...
Paris, late 1860s.
In 1848 the pioneering American photographer...
Telephotography: An elementary Treatise...
London, William Heinemann, 1899.
First edition of the authoritative treatise...
DUNCAN, Raymond.
A small archive of printed and manuscript...
Paris, 1940s to 1970s.
The present archive includes:
DURHAM, Arthur E.
Transverse Section of Wood (Salisburia).
Circa 1870s.
A rare and attractive microphotograph...
La Princesse Elisabeth fille du Duc d’York,...
Princess Elizabeth on the day of the...
[FARSARI, Adolfo, Studio of.]
Japanese flower seller.
[Yokohama?, c. 1887.]
A striking image of a Japanese flower...
A collection of eight albumen prints (or...
France, 1864-5.
An exceptional series of oversize prints...
A sammelband of material relating to the...
[Germany, 1842.]
A fine and unusual volume of materials...
HARLINGUE, L. [Albert].
'Baktiaris Persans'.
[Iran, c. 1905-1911].
An impressive press image of the Bakhtiari...
HEANEY, Seamus, et al.
The Whoseday Book.
Dublin, The Irish Hospice Foundation, 1999.
First edition of an anthology of contemporary...
ELLIOT, Andrew, and Dr Elliot; ANNAN,...
Edinburgh, Printed for Private Circulation,...
First edition, one of 38 copies, of...
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera cum novo commentario...
Paris, Didot, 1855.
The deluxe issue of Didot’s Horace,...
Odalisques & Arabesques: Orientalist Photography...
[London], Quaritch, 2007.
Profusely illustrated, this is the most...
LEIGHTON, J. Harold.
Collection of exhibition prints,
An impressive international exhibition...
[LUYNES, Honoré Théodore Paul Joseph d’Albert, duc de.] VIGNES, Louis, photographer; Charles NEGRES, printer.
Voyage d’exploration à la mer Morte,...
Printed 1874–76.
A fine set of the photogravures for...